SYST 10049 Study Guide - Final Guide: Css Flex-Box Layout

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Name the 3 types of style classifications; give an example of each: Create an unordered list containing moon and star using the image solar. jpg as the bullet: (what if asked for an ordered list instead? ) Create a class style called review: green border; box shadowing (5px offsets, 5px blur, blue color) on top/right; yellow text; Create a video tag for the video review. ogg with the image review. jpg showing when page loads; include controls and have video start over automatically when done: Create a style for the table element that adds a thin solid black border and a property that will make all adjacent borders within the table merge into one; Create a style for the td and th elements that includes a thin solid black border: Create a 2 row/2 column table with the 1st row combined into a header that includes the text fast ; the 2nd row contains 2 cells that contain b204 and 9-4 respectively: