[FRSC 1100H] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (33 pages long!)

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Processing cases in order of importance so they don"t become stagnant. Law should only reasonably effect freedom (charter or rights and freedom). Equal representation in the court room (diverse jury that well represents the current. The rule of law some fundamental principles: The right to a fair and public trial without undue delay. A rational and proportionate approach to punishment. Strict protection of confidential communication between lawyers and clients. Derived from the custom and judicial precedent rather than statutes. A rule that a particular country or society creates and recognizes and regulating the actions of its members and enforcements by government. Laws are made by judges and courts. Statues or leg are laws created by 3 levels of gvnmt. The constitution act tells our government what they can make the laws about. This process used to prevent governments from making laws unilaterally or behind closed doors. Similar but no senate review and lieutenant. Similar to provincial but municipal clerk signs.