BIOL108 Study Guide - Final Guide: Petri Dish, Optical Microscope, Stereo Microscope

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BIOL108 Full Course Notes
BIOL108 Full Course Notes
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This is to ensure that culture is not contaminated by microorganisms in the environment, and laboratory and experimenter is not contaminated by study organism. Parafilm: maintain sterile environment inside the petri dish, and helps to keep plates from drying out. Aseptic station: wear proper lab attire, wash your hands before and after doing the experiment, wipe bench with disinfectant before and after doing the experiment, plan and keep your instruments ready. Moving around too much stirs the air around the station and increases contamination risk: keep a flaming bunsen burner. It prevents contamination: flame non-flammable instruments before and after use, hold all container lid at 45 degrees, avoid breathing into the culture, keep instruments in sterile packaging, dispose of contaminated material. Gather light from the specimen, magnify the image, and project it into the body tube. Located under the stage, focuses the light onto the specimen. Contains a prism that passes light from objective lens to ocular lens.