EAS206 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Moon, Plate Tectonics, Kuiper Belt

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Sun, mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune. Ceres, pluto, 2003 ub313 - dwarf planets. Star - a self-luminous object that generates energy by nuclear fusion; e. g. , the sun. Planet - a relatively cold object that orbits around a central luminous star. Planetary body - general term for any body, a star includes planets and their natural satellites/moons, as well as asteroids and comets. Astronomical unit (au): the average distance between the earth and the sun about 150 million km* 99. 87% of the mass of the solar system. H and he, fusion reactions produce light. Relatively small, rocky bodies closest to the sun; earth-like . Now completely mapped, as a result of messenger mission. Magellan radar images (bright = rough, dark = smooth) Only other planetary body that humans have visited. Cratered highlands, dark maria (latin of seas/oceans, filled with darker lava flows) Darker and lighter areas of pale pink-red.