HIST 301 Quiz: HIST 301 - Study Guide

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16 Aug 2018

Document Summary

Historians have traditionally cited four long-term causes of the first world war. Nationalism a devotion to the interests and culture of one"s nation. Imperialism economic and political control over weaker nations. Militarism the growth of nationalism and imperialism led to increased military spending. Alliance system by 1907 europe was divided into two armed camps. Often nationalism led to rivalries and conflicts between nations. Additionally, various ethnic groups resented domination by others and wanted independence. Austria-hungary disagreed over the treatment of serbs in central europe. For many centuries, european nations built empires. Colonies supplied raw materials and provided markets for manufactured goods. As germany industrialized, she competed with other nations and colonies made her more competitive. Empires had to be defended and european nations increased military spending enormously in the late 19th and early 20th century. By 1890 the strongest nation militarily in europe was germany. Germany had a strong army and built up a navy to rival england"s fleet.