NURS103 Study Guide - Final Guide: First Aid, Physical Therapy, Teaching Method

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Document Summary

Patient education is one of the most important roles for nurses. Patient and family members have the right to health education-> informed decisions about health care and lifestyle. Initial education often takes place in the hospital. Hospitals need to have clear guidelines to provide for follow-up. Education helps ensure continuity of care as patients move from 1 health care setting to another. Nurses often clarify info provided and may become primary source of info for people adjusting to health problems. Nurses must be able to discuss criteria for evaluating sources for validity and reliability. Assist individuals, families, or communities in achieving optimal health. Education= main tool of primary health care o. Improve their health, reduces, hardship, helps contains health care costs, and enables people to take control of their health. 3 main goals: maintaining and promoting health and preventing illness o. Restoring health: optimizing quality of life w/ impaired functioning.