PHIL343 Study Guide - Categorical Imperative, Deontological Ethics, Theoretical Philosophy

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We begin to transition from theoretical philosophy to his practical philosophy. Kant"s examination of the a priori conditions of objects being objects for us in the rst place actually does constitute an ontology. The question of beings as beings is answered in kant"s philosophy as the objectivity of objects. It is answered by a priori forms of the intuition: space and time, and of the understanding: categories and concepts. Laying out these conditions, for kant, is prior to any question of particular objects or illusions vs veridical perception, etc. these are the general conditions for the possibility of any experience of objects, including dreams. The distinction between dreams and waking is that waking is objects of which we can have genuine empirical knowledge by their conformity to the principle of causality. It doesn"t give us any transcendant knowledge of beings in themself. It applies only to the world as it appears to us.