PSYCO104 Study Guide - Final Guide: Visual Cortex, Detection Theory, Gestalt Psychology

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PSYCO104 Full Course Notes
PSYCO104 Full Course Notes
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Science involves systematically gathering and evaluating evidence; folk wisdom is based on personal experience. You might want to consider them in a context of later chapter"s material: psychodynamic - freud, causes of behaviour are within. Motives in part of mind we are unaware of (cid:522)unconscious(cid:523) Unresolved past conflicts: behaviourism - watson, observable behaviour was important, not mental events. Behaviour controlled by environment: lead to behavioural modification therapy, humanistic - carl rogers, maslow. Reaching one"s individual potential: cognitive- noam chomsky, jean piaget (cid:522)gestalt psychology(cid:523) Gestalt: (cid:522)whole is greater than the sum of its parts(cid:523: studying mental processes. Computer analogy: information processing concept: sociocultural (cid:522)how social situation affects our society(cid:523) Cultural psychology: how cultural background affects our psychology. Independent: people as separate than their social culture; they"re unique. Interdependent: people trying to achieve harmony within a culture: biological (cid:522)focuses on physical side of human nature(cid:523) Lesions (cuts) to various areas of brain affect rat maze behaviour.