PSYCO223 Study Guide - Final Guide: Grandmother Hypothesis, Menopause, Y Chromosome

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Quiz answers: rejects the argument that human lifespans have only recently been extended b/c lifespans among contemporary hunter-gatherers are 20-30 yrs post-menopause. In stage 1, increase longevity among humans was b/c males who could manipulate tools and form coalitions could stay in power and continue to mate. If stage 1 were the full story, humans wouldn"t have increased longevity. You also need to have reduced polygeny in stage 2. Instead, they produce the whole supply during embryonic development and it gets used up: problem w/ this argument: Suggests, but these benefits aren"t actually any more than the benefits would be from continuing to be able to reproduce. And these benefits from helping kin aren"t the cause of the extended lifespan. Evidence from life history & male career: some men beyond peak physical condition can still be successful at reproduction in many societies even today.