PSYCO305 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Developmental Psychopathology, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Anxiety Disorder

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Models of resilience: compensatory model, risk factors can undermine positive outcomes, eg) witnessing parental relationship problems (aggression/arguments) Car accident causes air bags to go off) Conclusions- vulnerabilities and resources vary across the lifespan. Most kids can adapt well, and have self- righting changes: homotypic vs. heterotypic change, homo same thing over time, hetero: looks different in childhood than it does in adulthood (changed with time, multiple pathways, multifinality & equifinality. 5: essential to understand interplay of systems and developmental pathways, studies individuals over a long period of time, multiple testing periods (tracks growth, finds intraindividual differences, cross-sectional = looks at more of an age-related study (one-time comparison) Misfit between context and child: cannot forget about environment it is a blend of multiple areas (relationships, environment, genetics) Conceptualizing individual development: reductionist views , viewed behavior as traits categorization of individuals, limited the complexity of psychopathology. Concerned with adaptation in development continuities and discontinuities in development over time.