PSYCO405 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Vaginitis, Genital Herpes

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The world health organization estimates that more than 365 million people around the world are infected with stis each year. The emotional impact of an sti can be as great or greater than the medical consequences. Hpv and genital herpes are the most common in canada. Ph(cid:455)si(cid:272)ia(cid:374)s do(cid:374)"t ha(cid:448)e to legall(cid:455) (cid:396)epo(cid:396)t hpv a(cid:374)d ge(cid:374)ital he(cid:396)pes, (cid:271)ut do ha(cid:448)e to (cid:396)epo(cid:396)t chlamydia (so stats on hpv and herpes are likely to be wrong underreported) Highest ti (cid:396)ates o(cid:272)(cid:272)u(cid:396) i(cid:374) ca(cid:374)ada"s (cid:374)o(cid:396)th next highest in western provinces. Gonorrhea is less common than chlamydia 2010 stats: 11,397 reported cases. Syphilis cases are relatively minimal: rates decreased after penicillin was introduced in the 1940"s, has recently been increasing especially in men who sleep with men, 2010 stats: 1,757 cases reported (90. 5% men) Public health agency of canada compared sti rates between 1997-2007 found that rates were highest among young people, but rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis were increasing faster among 40-59-(cid:455)ea(cid:396) old"s.