SOC251 Midterm: Sociology 251- lecture, test & study

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Population issues are frequently reported in the mass media. : too many kids for school space available: many seemingly unconnected issues are actually related to population. The study of population encompasses life, death and everything else in between. Birth (cid:0)individual growth and development; life course processes (cid:0) death. This middle stage is a very complex process. People are living longer, and as they age they are experiencing multiple aging medical complications at one time. Alzheimer"s disease is becoming more and more common. How age structuring is related to social and political spectrums. Majority young people or majority old people affect these spectrums in different ways; different influence. Some fundamental concepts: demography- greek: demos (people); graphia (study of) The scientific study of population, its structure and change (growth), due to the o interplay of births, deaths and migration. Term coined by archille guillard (a belgian mathematician) in 1855. It exists through time and can be projected into the future.