ANSC 4050 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Remedial Education, Reading Disability, Intelligence Quotient

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Ld relates to listening, speaking, basic reading, reading comprehension, arithmetic calculation, mathematics reasoning and written expression. Ld is not a single disability but a general category of special education composed of disabilities in any one or a combination of seven skill domains. Poor readers have disruption in neural circuitry of left hemisphere serving language. There is a possi(cid:271)ilit(cid:455) that the resulta(cid:374)t (cid:374)eural (cid:272)ir(cid:272)uitr(cid:455) refle(cid:272)ts (cid:374)ot o(cid:374)l(cid:455) the i(cid:374)di(cid:448)idual"s biological makeup, but also environmental influences; such as how reading instruction impacts brain circuitry. What may be inherited is a susceptibility for rd that may manifest itself given specific interactions, or lack thereof, with the environment; for ex. Parents who read poorly may be less likely to read to their children. No definitional element of ld has generated as much controversy as the use of iq-achievement discrepancy in the id of students with ld.