BIOL 1080 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fish Oil, Evidence-Based Medicine, Evolutionary Medicine

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16 Aug 2018

Document Summary

In vitro (in glass) and ex-vivo (out of the living) ie. cell cultures, isolated tissues/organs. C. elegans (nematode) are easy to study and cheap: short life cycle, self fertilizes, can be frozen, thawed, and remains viable, transparent facilitates the study of cell differentiation. Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly: life cycle and development are very sensitive to environmental conditions (used to study effects of drugs and alcohol) Swine (pig) is just resistant: best non-primate model for human infant development and metabolism, used to study organ transplants (xenografts) Non-intervention studies (non-clinical: no treatment given, cannot prove cause and effect, only predicts associations/correlations, epidemiological studies are the most common. Intervention studies (clinical): must be human and health related, a medicinal treatment and control substance/placebo is given, can be used to predict cause and effect, double blind studies are the gold standard. Human subjects in clinical trials are always volunteers. The cochrane collaboration generates systematic reviews of primary literature.