HROB 2090 Study Guide - Final Guide: Organizational Behavior, Positive Affectivity, Negative Affectivity

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Positive affectivity: propensity to view the world in a positive light. Negative affectivity: propensity to view the world in a negative light. Proactive behaviours: taking initiative to improve current circumstances or creating new ones. Proactive personality: a stable personal disposition that reflects a tendency to take personal initiative across a range of activities and situations and to effect positive change in one"s environment. General self-efficacy: a general trait that refers to an individual"s belief in his or her ability to perform a variety of challenging situations. Core self-evaluations: a broad personality concept that consists of more specific traits that reflect the evaluations people hold about themselves and their self-worth. Reinforcement: the process by which stimuli strengthen behaviours. Positive reinforcement: the application or addition of a stimulus that increases or maintains the probability of some behavior. Negative reinforcement: the removal of a stimulus that in turn increases or maintains the probability of some behavior.