MICR 2420 Study Guide - Final Guide: Gram Staining, Scanning Electron Microscope, Halobacterium Salinarum

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Carl woese father of molecular phylogeny the tree of life. Includes viruses as microbes, includes all but plants and animals. Robert hooke visualized eukaryotic microbes using microscope. Antonie van leeuwenhoek visualized bacteria through a stronger microscope. Electron microscope first visualization of viruses (acellular) Thiomargarita namibiensis (bacterium) largest bacteria, size of a fruit fly head. Oxygenic photosynthesis first arose in the bacteria blue-green algae and gave rise to an aerobic atmosphere: The great oxygenation event: evolution of eukaryotes occurred >1 by after bacteria and archaea. All life forms inherited the mitochondria from a cyanobacteria (became the chloroplast) that was engulfed by a cell produces energy, require oxygen. Robert koch established the link between microbe and disease. Louis pasteur disproved the concept of spontaneous generation of microbes. The global nitrogen cycle in soil: nitrogen fixation, oxidation & reductions of inorganics. Thermus aquaticus used in pcr due to its heat-resistant properties (thermophilic) Able to see shapes: rods bacilli, round cocci.