MCS 4370 Study Guide - Final Guide: Net Present Value, Marketing Mix, Sensitivity Analysis

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Set of questions class time to read questions and ask professor questions (just clarifications, not answers) Expect to work in groups/teams but everyone must hand in an individual report. Use financial ratios to prove company position, etc. By delivering a superior product and/or service that satisfies a customer"s need: how do we exceed expectations, two main activities: Selecting a target market and determine the desired positioning in target customers minds. We cannot please everyone never go after a mass. Develop a plan for the marketing activities to achieve the desired positions. Company"s strengths and weaknesses core competency relative to competition. Company"s goals and fit with segment goals. Marketing mix set of activities comprising a company"s marketing plan: product characteristics (function, form, product life cycle, pricing, branding, channels of distribution, advertising, promotion (offline, digital, wom, packaging, servicing, selling. Cannibalization, sensitivity analysis (pro forma perform sensitivity analysis what happens if it"s wrong so have a contingency plan)