PSYC 1000 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Motivation, Homeostasis

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Motivation: directing your energy and your behaviour towards a goal. Instinct: all members of a species have, born with it; not learned, a reflex (unconscious) towards getting what is needed for survival. Drive-an aroused/tense state that we feel when our biological needs are not being met. Drive reduction theory: we are trying to maintain a state of homeostasis when a drive emerges therefore we take actions towards meeting our biological needs. Incentive: learned, a reward, an attraction towards something we want but it is not necessarily needed for our survival. We want to try to achieve our goals but we must try to do this while maintaining a psychologically stable mind. Self efficacy: have confidence in yourself to achieve your goals. Affiliation motivation: we want to meet the need to be with others; feel like we belong. Sense of permanence: we feel more like we belong if we have a few close friends as opposed to many distant friends.