PSYC 1000 Final: PSYCHOLOGY 1000 Final Exam Study Guide (Comprehensive)

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Cause: region specific damage to brain o accidental (e. g. stroke) or deliberate (e. g. o accidental (e. g. stroke) or deliberate (e. g. neurosurgical lesioning) o confirmed via: Brain damage inference o cause: region specific neuron death (e. g. hippocampus) o effect: specific change to behaviour (e. g. memory loss) Can patient? o follow simple commands o give gestural or verbal yes/no responses (regardless of accuracy) o produce intelligible verbalization o produce purposeful (not reflexive) behaviour in response to stimuli. Some famous examples o another one bites the dust decide to sell marijuana o styx snowblind satan, move in our voice o led zeppelin stairway to heaven play backwards hear words sung o beatles help now he uses marijuana . Suite of moral emotion o empathy: triggers altruism o anger: protects against cheaters o gratitude: triggers reciprocation o guilt: avoid risk of being caught cheating. Unconditioned: not learned; reflex o stimulus (ucs) o response (ucr) o ucs (meat) elicits ucr (salivation)