PSYC 2330 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Conditioned Taste Aversion, Gastrointestinal Disease, Radiography

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Inborn predisposition to learn were demonstrated with respect to: the separation in time between the cs and us is a critical determinant of conditioning. Learning is unlikely to take place at delays of more than few seconds: equipotentiality premise- it does not matter what stimuli are used in conditioning. Any cs will be equally good in all contexts: don"t have all the same power. Pavlov: any natural phenomenon chosen at will may be converted into a cs any visual stimulus, any desired sound, any odor, and the stimulation of any part of the skin . Taste-aversion learning (john garcia: exposed rats o flavored water and bright-noisy water, exposed rats to x-rays gastrointestinal disturbance + nausea, tested drinking of the two water after x-ray exposure, control experiment with foot-shock. Nausea could not be conditioned to light-noise, nor fear could be conditioned to a taste. Taste-aversion conditioning occurs at delays of over 1 hour.