PSYC 3800 Study Guide - Final Guide: Learning Disability, Reading Disability, Educational Psychology

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Question #1: educational psychology research results are obvious . Drawing on information from gage (1991), cooper/levin/campbell (2009) & chapter 1, answer the following questions: what is meant by this statement? (1 mark) An example of a research finding that may seem obvious" but was not in fact obvious is the idea that the more time students spend studying, the greater the related learning they will achieve. Research often shows that assumptions prove to be inaccurate. I. e. teachers assumed telling students who got out of their seats to sit down would result in them getting out of their seats less. This assumption was proven incorrect; teachers who ignored students who got out of their seats and praised students who were sitting resulted in fewer students getting out of their seats. I. e. it is assumed that teachers should call on students randomly to encourage participation in a primary-grade reading class.