ARBUS202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sole Proprietorship, Fiduciary, Immanuel Kant

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Document Summary

Ethics- the study of the theoretical foundations of moral principles governing individual behaviour and the practical application of those principles. Ethical reasoning- the reasoned application of ethical theory or theories to a given situation. Ethical relativism- the view that moral values are relative to particular environments; moral behaviours are dependent on the accepted ethical norms of the particular culture, society, or environment in which they take place. Golden rule- the maxim accepted by the vast majority, if not all, of the world"s cultures and religions that states that one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. Utilitarianism- the contention that the greatest good comes from choosing the alternative that provides the greatest aggregate level of satisfaction. Ethical dilemma- a situation involving the conflict between moral imperatives where to comply with one necessitates that transgression of the other.