BIOL359 Study Guide - Final Guide: Parallel Evolution, Paraphyly, List Of Extreme Points Of Australia

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Phylogeny: is the study of ancestor descendent relationships. Phylogenies are based on: morphological data, physiological data, molecular data. Any attribute that gives us insight on the history (shared ancestry) of the population: ex molecular phylogenies look at nucleotide sequences. Pleisiomorphy: refers to the ancestral character state. Apomorphy: a derived character state that differs from the ancestral state. Synapomorphy: a derived character state that is shared by two or more taxa from a common ancestor that is not the plesiomorphic ancestor. Monophyletic: a group that contains the common ancestor and all the extant descendants. Non-monophyletic: a group that is not monophyletic: paraphyletic: includes the common ancestor but not all of the extant descendants, polyphyletic: erroneously grouped taxa based on uniquely derived character states that are homoplaseous. Homology and homoplasy: homology refers to a character state (shared between two or more taxa) derived from a common ancestor, homoplasy refers to a character state (shared between two or more taxa) which evolved independently.