FINE242 Midterm: Fine 242 Exam note 1

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Called hut urns because of shape, was used to store ashes after cremation. Gives us an indication about what their domestic architecture looked like because we don"t have any remains. We only have secondary remains (postholes) but probably constructed of perishable materials. Sense of some kind of superstructure for the roof that could possibly have been terra cotta. Impasto= production technique, prior to firing etched surface. Geometric incisions along the belly of the pot. Because cultural changes are usually marked by changes in burial practices and pottery styles, this suggests an evolution from villanovan to etruscan rather than a change. quality. Kilns can fire hire at much more sustained temperature. The overall thickness of the pottery (high quality) thinner the piece the higher the. All these qualities seem to be coming in from greece. Looks like the villanovans but produced like the greeks. Found in one of the earliest tombs of the cerveteri.

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