HLTH173 Study Guide - Final Guide: Central Nervous System, Hans Selye, Somatic Nervous System

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When we encounter harm or threat, we experience a cluster of physiological changes which is referred to as stress (stress response) Fight-or-flight response when we encounter anything we feel stressed bout, we have physiological stresses that make us either fight or flight these responses are adaptive: Acute stress is adaptivehelp us respond to stressors. Chronic stress (bad) has been shown to contribute to development of depression, anxiety, addiction, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, infectious disease, etc. Adaptive changes that help us respond to stressor. Hans selye was first to describe stress response in 1950s: Stress acts on neural system stimulate release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (acth) from the anterior pituitary. Acth triggers release of glucocorticoids from adrenal cortex. The circulating level of glucocorticoid is the way to measure stress. Modern theories are taking into account two pathways for stress. Because of release of cortisol, individual feels stress if you measures stress response, it"ll be higher.