PSYCH101 Quiz: Psychology Textbook Readings

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PSYCH101 Full Course Notes
PSYCH101 Full Course Notes
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Science is actually a philosophy of knowledge that stems from two fundamental beliefs: empiricism and determinism: Empericism: is a philosophical tenet that knowledge comes through experience. Knowledge about the world is based on careful observation, not on common sense or speculation. Determinism: is the belief that all events are governed by lawful, cause-and-effect relationships. These specific traits differ across locations because different traits will prove beneficial in different environments. This theory explains the diversity of life on earth. Influences of medicine (diagnosis and treatments): medicine ha a great deal of influence on the development of clinical psychology which is the field of psychology that concentrates on the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders. Brain localization: a research topic that impacted both fields that certain parts of the brain control specific mental abilities and personality characteristics. A doctor in france started using hypnosis as a form of treatment to patients.