SSCI 2011U Study Guide - Final Guide: Refugee Law, Indictable Offence, Jus Sanguinis

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27 Feb 2013

Document Summary

Theoretical framework: main points from the writings by. Club members define criteria for admission of future members. No one on the outside has a right to be inside: states as neighbourhoods random associations. Market controls movement (ability to find a job, place to live) remain open only as long as state borders are relatively closed. Gated communities in the us: states as families. Power over immigration, naturalization, aliens (which level of government has jurisdiction over these matters?) Constitutional framework: constitution act, 1867, 95 concurrent federal/provincial power over immigration. Paramountcy doctrine (with respect to s. 95) S. 91(25) federal power over naturalization & aliens. Immigration and refugee protection act (irpa: general terms and rules for governing the admission, terms of residence, removal and status of non-citizens. Immigration and refugee protection regulations (regulations: content of immigration law. Federal-provincial agreements on immigration s. 8 of the irpa. 3: provincial nominee programs in 9 provinces, yukon and northwest.