ADM 1370 Study Guide - Final Guide: Object Database, Data Redundancy, Database

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Data: raw facts that describe characteristics of an event. Information: data converted into meaningful and useful content. Database: collection of data organized to serve many applications efficiently by centralizing data and controlling redundant data. Problems with traditional file organization: data redundancy (multiple files all over), data inconsistency (same attribute with different values), lack of flexibility (not much you can do with data). Poor security, lack of data availability (information cannot flow freely across the organization) Some sources of low quality information: customers intentionally enter false information, call centres enter abbreviated or erroneous information by accident or to save time, different entry standards. Costs of poor information: tracking customers, selling opportunities, valuable customers, poor marketing. Database management system (dbms): software package to create and maintain databases, acts as interface between application and physical data files, relieves programmer from the task of finding logical data (business view) and physical data (actual view).