ADM 3301 Study Guide - Final Guide: Material Requirements Planning, Idw Publishing, Disturbance Storm Time Index

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Adm 330 1 a and b: production and operations management. 1- write down the exam copy numb er (that exists at the top right corner of this page) on the identification white card next to your nam e. Answers or calculations written on the sheet of notes or on the statistical tables will not be evaluat e d. Justify all answers with proper argu m e n t s and/or calculations. Be precise, clear and concise: ambiguou s or vague state m e n t s will be considered false. 4- one 8. 5 x 11, two- sided sheet of person al notes and a pocket calculator are permitted. The value of each question is indicated on the left margin for a total of 80 marks. Verify that your exam has 12 pages (including this title page). Statistical tables are numb er on the provided separat ely. stati stic al table s bookl e t .