ADM2336- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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Document Summary

The field of study devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviours of individuals and groups in organizations how organizations can be more effectively designed or structured how managers can manage more effectively. Early studies of management: study of organizations started during the industrial revolution 1800"s > early 1900"s the attempt was to prescribe the right way to manage an organization and achieve its goals. Bureaucracy: emphasizes control from a chain of command, with rules, procedures and job specialization. Scientific management: using scientific methods to design optimal and efficient work procedures. Human relations view: field of study that recognizes that the psychological attributes of individual workers and the social forces within work groups have important effects on work behaviours \ The human relations movement called attention to certain dysfunctional aspects of classical management and bureaucracy: Employees lose sight of the overall goals of the organization.