BIO1130- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 116 pages long!)

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

The science, which occupies itself with these subjects, we shall designate by the name biology, or science of life. (treviranus) Scientific revolution of the renaissance had very little to do with the natural sciences dealt with the psychical sciences instead (physics, mechanics, math, astronomy) Darwin and evolutionary thought (late 1800s mid 1900s) Modern theory of evolution and more (mid 1900s present: genetics furthers evolution and is crucial for the modern theory allows a lot to be discovered/understood, 21st century: age of biology . The modern age is usually divided into centuries and the innovations during this period, but the ages of sand is an alternate thought provoking way of looking at the period. Created by douglas adams (author of the hitchhikers" guide to the galaxy) Second age: microscope (mid 1670s, the glass lens is now used to look into the smaller world around us, the details of the cell are beginning to be unravelled.