BIO 1130 Study Guide - Amnion, Autapomorphy, Apocrine Sweat Gland

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Amniote animals: skin of mammals only contain alpha-keratin, softer than beta-keratin. Includes the synapsids (mammals) and diapsids (reptiles, including birds: water-proofed their skin (keratin and lipids in the cell, use lungs as their respiratory surface, shelter their developing embryos using a water-filled sac amnion. Apocrine sweat gland: secrete into the hair follicle. Eccrine sweat gland: secrete fluid onto the surface of the skin. In primates, used for evaporative cooling: produces a watery solution that increases the adhesion between the skin and the substrate. Glandular skin: skin containing glands: apocrine, eccrine, sebaceous three types found in mammalian skin, only monotremes have all three glands (i. e. platypus) Heterodont dentition: most closely related to humans, autapomorphy of mammals, when a jaw has different types of teeth, each specialized for different functions (cutting, piercing, grinding, allows for pre-processing of food before it reaches the digestive tract. Macroevolution: evolution above the level of species.