[BIO1700] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 66 pages long Study Guide!

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Set of knowledge related to certain categories of facts, objects or phenomenon that obey laws and are verifiable by experimental methods. Scientific research tries to find new facts: 2 approaches: By description (ex describing nature, flat fish) Scientific approach: inductive reasoning (linked to descriptive approach): if something happens all the time, here is the explanation, go from particular-> general; could be false generalizations. (cid:862)the ora(cid:374)ge is sugary, the(cid:374) all ora(cid:374)ges (cid:373)ust (cid:271)e sugary(cid:863: deductive reasoning (linked to hypothesis approach): gives a hypothesis and make conclusions based off that hypothesis, goes from more general -> particular. If you have all 4 of the concepts in your experiment/theory, it is scientific: initial skepticism of the facts. Ask honest questions about the facts, scientists always have doubts about their findings, have to be legitimate doubts: realism. Logic: demonstrator has to follow coherent steps.