BIO 3303 Study Guide - Final Guide: Myoglobin

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Control of ventilation: there are two parts to ventilation, generating basic ventilatory movements (breathing movements, how you match ventilation to the requirements of the animal flying bird is at a high need, there is a fairly complex set of brain neurons that generate motor output to breathing muscles (located in brain stem, medulla), on top of that, there are levels of control that allow breathing methods to be controlled. Fish chemoreceptors: there are no central chemoreceptors (nothing in the brain), they have peripheral chemoreceptors and are located on the gills and called neuroepithelial cells similar to glomus, through evolution, the structure in the gill arch in the fish became incorporated in the homologous structure in mammal, leading people to believe that neuroepithelial cells and glomus are homologous, however this is not the case, neuroepithelial cells detect co2+ o2levels of blood and water.