BIO 2135 Study Guide - Final Guide: Planula, Triploblasty, Hydrozoa

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Chitinous pen inside mantle is all that remains of shell, aids in protecting internal organs when mantle contracts. Role for edge of mantle is to lock/seal out water at collar, cavity aids in jet propulsion. 3 hearts (2 brachial -> body to ctenidia. 1 systematic -> gills to rest of body. Each brachial heart connected to pericardial gland) Ctenidia: respiratory organ, no cilia (muscle contractions move water over surface) has concurrent blood flow, less efficient than countercurrent flow. Ganglia of tetraneural system have been consolidated in brain not elsewhere: reason for giant axons, which connect brain to rest of body large nerve cord, olfactory system. Dorso-ventrally elongated - but distance between head and foot is shorter. Jet propulsion by pumping water thru funnel (modification of foot), closing collar to water. Cilia also found in metanephridium ( the tubules carrying excretory waste from coelom) 1 heart in ancestral pericardial cavity, open circulatory system.