BIO 3102 Study Guide - Binomial Nomenclature, Saprotrophic Nutrition, Chitin

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11 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Linnaeus: law if a major scientific finding is applicable throughout the universe, it reaches this level, unfortunately biological laws will never reach this level if university is the sole criteria. In the endosymbiont theory, bacterial cells had aerobic metabolism. In the life cycle of plant-like protists, the diploid stage is sporaphytes. In the diplontic life cycle, the diploid chromosomal compliment dominates. The cell wall of fungi-like protists are made of chitin: ameobas use psuedopods to move. The sudden release of the malaria parasite causes the patient to have a fever: diplontic life cycle is usually associated with the animalia kingdom, gametophytes produce gametes, green alga is the ancestor of plants. Food always enters a ciliate at the same point of the surface cytostome. The more solid protoplasm states in an amoeba is the ectoplasma: children are most affected in the human population by malaria, cililates are protozoan with cilia.