BIO3302- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 32 pages long!)

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The study of all aspects of the functioning of organisms, from the molecular level to behaviour. Focus in bio 3302 will be comparative and environmental. Homeostasis = the tendency of organisms to regulate and maintain relative internal stability (cannon, 1939) Enantiostasis = maintenance of function as physiological variables change. E. g. maintaining membrane fluidity at different temperatures (transport function retained) Achieved through biological control systems: controlled variable, (cid:862) et-point(cid:863) or reference signal, detector or sensor, controller. Phenotype is determined by a combination of genotype and environment. Small sa, or long distances for oxygen to move, small animals with bigger oxygen demands. Size and metabolic rate, higher requirement for oxygen. Size (time a d2) and metabolic rate are limiting factors. Diffusion is always the final step in o2 transport. Rapid mass transportation of: respiratory gases (except insects) nutrients waste products hormones antibodies salts/acid-base equivalents heat. Renal filtration and excretion in vertebrates (regulation of.