CMN 1160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Federal Communications Commission, Federal Radio Commission, Bbc

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CMN 1160 Full Course Notes
CMN 1160 Full Course Notes
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The canadian paradox: one of the biggest influences on canada"s sense of itself comes from another country - the us. To understand canadian media history, we must understand us media history. Luther challenges the catholic church with the printing press. 1534: luther publishes a german translation of the bible. Vernacular languages begin to replace latin among scholars (and common people). Print becomes a commodity (something you trade: begin to make and sell newspapers, books, etc. People start to develop a national identity. Citizens see debate about the government as a right and responsibility. Publications that change people"s views on certain things. Make people have the same political views as you. Break down tasks into smaller units and automate. Post office creates cheap second-class mail rates: mailing publications. Railway would bind the new country together (national broadcasting would later do the same thing).