CRM 1300 Study Guide - Dependent And Independent Variables, Uniform Crime Reports

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14 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Patterns of criminality and methods of gathering crime statistics. Crminilogical knowledge is based on science, a logical organized method of obtaining information through direct, systematic observation. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence, information that is directly verifiable. A research method is a strategy for systematically conducting research. Concepts are mental constructs that represent some part of the world, inevitably in a simplified form variables are concepts whose value changes from case to case. Operationalizing a variable is the process of developing the measure to be used i a gauging variable. Measurement requires reliability-the quality of consistent measurement and validity the quality of measuring precisely what one intends to measure. Relationships among variables: cause and effect is a relationship in which change when one variable causes change in another, correlation exists when two (or more) variables are related in someway. Independent variable -------------> dependant variable causality: there can"t be any other reason that caused something to happen.