CRM 2303 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Call Screening, Emic And Etic, Ethnography

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3. ethics: analyzing and writing up data. Emic in nature (emic: an insider"s perspective, events and behaviours under investigation are interpreted based on what they mean to the social actors involved). Examples include: ethnographies, prison culture, and descriptive accounts of youth reactions to media images of crime. Strengths: offers thick description, more transparent in terms of the motivations, highly flexible in terms of exploratory research. Weaknesses: seen as impractical in terms of policy prescriptions, less potent in terms of generalizability, lacks the. Focuses on statistical regularities, counting, precision, and numerical values. Etic in nature (etic: an outsider perspective, the researcher interprets the events and behaviour under investigation). Examples include: crime rates, clearance rates, prison populations by age, suicide rates. Strengths: ability to capture macro trends and phenomena, strong policy orientation, relatively easy research, intended to be predictive. Weaknesses: more ideal than real, impossible for any research to be completely objective and value free.