CRM 2310 Study Guide - Final Guide: Positive Psychology, Informalism, The Asylum

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15 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Final examination: restorative justice takes a different outlook on crime by saying that crime is primarily an offence against human relationships, and secondarily it is a violation of the law. Proposing an alternative: restorative justice, the lecture outlines the fact that restorative justice recognizes that crime is wrong and should not occur, and when it does that there are dangers and opportunities linked to it. Restorative justice is a process to make things right as possible which includes: as soon as the victim, community and offender safety concerns are satisfied, it views the situation as a teachable moment for the offender (mccuaig, 2011). As well as, this process prefers responding to the crime at the earliest point possible and with the maximum amount of voluntary cooperation and minimum coercion. Restorative justice prefers that most crimes be handled using a cooperative structure including those impacted by the offence as a community to provide support and accountability.