CRM 2310 Study Guide - Final Guide: Informal Social Control, Community Policing, Crime Prevention

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Document Summary

In urban environments where community has been commodified, broken window style policing is what makes sense, for contemporary culture, for police culture and for our conceptions about who constitutes true community. Members of the community in which they were working corruption. Police had a lot of discretionary power; can lead to situations where you will intentionally look the other way. Militaristic, hierarchical organization layers of decision making bureaucratic organization. Ppl report to their boss who reports to their boss who reports to their boss. Front liners capacity to deal with situations is limited because they have people directing their activity from above them. At the same time you see the institution of the patrol car (big technological dev"t in policing) allows for ability to respond to calls and eliminates corruption of knowing everyone too well. Crime prevention through reaction reacting to crime will allow us to prevent future crime.