CRM 2310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Victim Blaming, Informal Social Control, Industrial Revolution

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Efficacy is the capacity to solve collective problems. Communities that are collectively efficacious, have the capacity to solve things on behalf of the group themselves, make things better, change things to what the group wants. Informal social control is important because there are private forms and parochial forms. Private includes members of your family, intimate people, you have a certain amount of influence to their loved ones to get them to conform certain standards of behaviours and expectations. Communities that have high levels of informal social control will have formal and informal mechanisms to deal with violence and crime. There will be no cooperation, no feeling of mutual benefit, and no trust, therefore there will be no effectiveness in working together to solve problems on behalf of the group (crime). To fight crime, you need informal social control, and to have informal social control, you need social capital and collective efficacy. Shift in responsibility is responsibilization and victim blaming.