GEO1111- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 49 pages long!)

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GEO 1111 Full Course Notes
GEO 1111 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

It is important since it allows for navigation. Nd a record of the earth"s magnetic eld orientation from the volcanic rocks: for re ection, the waves bounce off a barrier where it doesn"t penetrate the barrier which results in change of direction. For refraction, the incident waves change in wavelength, speed, and direction as it changes medium of different density: as the depth increases, the rocks increase in pressure (pressure gradient) and temperature (geothermal gradient). The heat is generated from the radioactive decay of isotopes, crystallization of fe, and the latent heat for earth"s formation: the earth dissipates its heat from the crustal conduction, mantle convection, and hotspots. 7: you would nd ma c phaneritic rocks in the oceanic crust which form from melting of the mantle. Pyroxene, plagioclase and some olivine are the major minerals and they usually have a black colour: olivine > pyroxene > amphibole > biotite > k-feldspar > quartz (least temperature)