HSS 1101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Health Belief Model, Food Choice, Motivation

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Factors influencing behavioral change: predisposing sex, race, family education and income affects our access to health care, enabling skills, abilities, physical, emotional and mental capabilities, accessible facilities making health decisions convinient, reinforcing. Money, popularity, support and appreciation support and encouragement from others. Belief: appraisal of relationship between some object, action or idea and some attribute of it. Explains importance of our intentions in regard to our behaviors. Assume that people behave in sensible and rationale manner: intention: willingness and planned effort, attitude: positive/negative evaluation of behavior, subjective norm: perceived social pressure individuals feel to perform action (cid:1) Influence behaviors from birth by giving strong cues about actions that are socially or not acceptable. Theory of planned behavior: our attitude toward behavior, level perceived behavior control, our subjective norms leading to intention. Making behavioral change: shaping: use step to reach goal gradually. Connection between what people say to themselves and how they feel. Purposely stopping negative to focus on positive.