[HSS2121] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (23 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Hss2121 plagues, epidemics & social construction of disease. Overview: plagues and epidemics, finding a scapegoat, panic and breakdown of social order, the social construction of disease, race, class, gender issues. May have contributed to the witch trials of 12th centuries. May have contributed to werewolf trials of 15th and 16th centuries. Leprosy: syphilis, typhus, viral infections, smallpox, measles, yellow fever, ebola, rabies, polio, panic & breakdown of social order. Codes of behaviour are abandoned: cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis. Influenza: dengue fever, aids, sars, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, severe acute respiratory syndrome. E. g. queue jumping over h1n1 vaccine in 2009. E. g. hospital staff were given priority shots (h1n1) on the weekend and some brought family members (not part of the plan) Germany who were blamed for the black death yeshiva university museam. Demonized a detail friese chronicles showing the 1349 massacre of erfurt jews in. Simpletons (village idiots, beggars, vagrants, jews, witches women) blamed for plague: dancing mania mass hysteria.