NSG 3320 Midterm: Mental Health Midterm 2 Review

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Document Summary

Bipolar disorder: found in all ages, affects equal # of men and women. Bipolar 1: one or more manic episodes with a major depressive occurrence. Bipolar 2: periods of depression accompanied by at least one incidence of hypomania. Mixed features: may experience features of bipolar 1, later bipolar 2, depressive episodes. Variable onset, mild depression or excessive sleeping, or abrupt onset of mania. Several episodes of depression prior to first manic episode. Manic and depressive episodes tend to accelerate over time: children: initial presentation usually depression. Initial contact with healthcare system may be delayed. May be mistaken for adhd or conduct disorders: older adults: increased abnormalities and cognitive disturbances (confusion, bipolar 2 more common in women, females: more depression, males more mania. Priority care: during a manic episode protection! Poor judgement and impulsivity, risk raking, supernatural power beliefs, devastation by actions: during a depression episode: suicidal, self-care deficits. Violence and abuse may also occur during manic episodes.