PHI 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Voting Age, Venn Diagram, Hypothetical Syllogism

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14 Jul 2014
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PHI 1101 Full Course Notes
PHI 1101 Full Course Notes
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22 documents

Document Summary

Second test: 45 marks worth 15% of final mark. Please answer each question on the pages of this test. If you need more space for your answer, please use the reverse side of the page. Please do not detach the pages of this test: for the following, on the line provided write what is implicit -- premise or conclusion -- and then write what the implicit premise or conclusion is. This question is worth two marks: anyone who craves political power cannot be trusted to serve the public interest, and premier blowhard craves political power. Premier blowhard cannot be trusted to serve the public interest. Present the following arguments in standard form and provide a diagram for each. You may want to keep in mind that you may have to reformulate some claims, that explanations may occur, and that noise or redundancies may arise.