POL3142 Study Guide - Final Guide: Economic And Monetary Union Of The European Union, European Central Bank, Presidency Of The Council Of The European Union

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23 Jun 2014

Document Summary

It is the european union with increasing influence to commensurate w/ its economic importance, standard of living and its place in diplomatic, commercial and monetary forums. It derives its strength from common values of democracy and human rights. It rallies its people and it has preserved the diversity of cultures and languages and the traditions of member states. What is the difference b/w the european council and the council of europe: the european council is an institution within the eu. It is comprised of the heads of states (president, pms) of member states of the eu along with the prez of the european. Eu: the council of europe is a un-like governing body that handles human rights issues, etc, the coe is a non-eu organization that works towards further european integration. It has a particular emphasis on legal standards, human rights, democratic development, the rule of law and cultural co-operation.