PSY 1101 Study Guide - Behaviorism, Psychopathy, Unconsciousness

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11 Jul 2014
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PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
PSY 1101 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Logos: doctrine: william james (1890"s) mental life, jb watson (1920) behavior. Someone hits you, you think and process why the hell did they do that and what have. I done to deserve that and what do i do next. Primarily the earlier psychologist where philosophers thinking what is the nature of human nature. Is it good or selfish, caring compassionate where does the knowledge of the will come from the brain or our will. Eg nature/ nurture other people would be doctors" shaman , priest. If we feel the sense where are they located and certain areas of the brain that is responsible of the heat and cold and so on, the understanding of the body where and how it is functioned. Part of history: early schools, structuralism started in germany, developed by wundt in 1879 known as the father of the scientific psychology was the very first to start a lab.